A VIOLENT thug has been jailed after subjecting his then partner to repeated abuse and coercion.

Dwayne Thomas, of Henry Street in Holyhead, appeared at Caernarfon Crown Court (currently sitting at Llandudno Magistrates Court) for sentence on Wednesday morning.

The 33-year-old had previously admitted engaging in controlling or coercive behaviour, as well as attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent.

Gareth Bellis, prosecuting, told the court that the victim in both offences was Thomas' now ex-partner, Kimberley Louise Edwards.

Thomas had been in a relationship with her for some four years - several of which had seen him behaving in a "controlling and violent" manner towards the victim.

She was subjected to violence on a weekly basis - including frequent strangulation.

His violent acts towards Ms Edwards included stamping on her, punching and kicking, striking her with makeshift weapons such as a heavy glass ashtray and a hoover pipe, and verbally abusing her.

In addition to threatening her with blades, he also forced a pizza cutter into her mouth and threatened to punch her while it was there.

The behaviour also included controlling the victim's movements, spending and activities - as well as preventing her from seeking medical attention after he injured her.

In May this year, Thomas' offending culminated in the attempt to commit grievous bodily harm.

Dwayne Thomas (NWP)Dwayne Thomas (NWP) (Image: North Wales Police) He and the victim had been out to the pub and as they walked home, the defendant was shouting at her.

They were approached by a friend, who asked the defendant to calm down - but when he didn't, the police were called.

Officers escorted her home after the defendant fled.

But in the early hours of the morning, he climbed into the home through a window and headbutted her.

She ran out into the street, but Thomas threw her back into the house and punched her to the head and body - before kicking her to the mouth, breaking her teeth.

The police arrived shortly thereafter, and despite Thomas' attempts to block them, they gained access to the victim and arrested the defendant.

Dafydd Roberts, defending, invited the court to have regard to a pre-sentence report prepared for his client.

But he conceded it was "not a positive report," as it contained "much minimisation" and "little acceptance of responsibility" on the part of his client.

He added: "What happened in May was a continuation, an escalation, of the violence displayed towards Ms Edwards."

Mr Roberts said his client's road to rehabilitation would be a long one, but he submitted he was "a man not beyond rehabilitation," and "is capable of behaving himself."

He conceded however that based on the pre-sentence report, Thomas "poses a high risk of serious harm to partners."

"Clearly a lot of work needs to be done," he concluded.

Judge Timothy Petts told the defendant: "For the last three or four years, you were behaving in this violent way.

"You were repeatedly violent towards her.

"The pre-sentence report provides very little comfort to me that you understand or appreciate what you've done.

"You have no control over yourself and no plans to help you with your issues of drink and drugs."

Judge Petts imposed an extended sentence comprising four years and eight months custody, as well as an extended licence period of three years.

A lifelong restraining order was imposed in order to protect the victim.