A CARER and mum from Caernarfon has lost a staggering nine stone and reversed her diabetes.

Mum-of-five Lisa Williams, 35, was diagnosed with type one diabetes during her most recent pregnancy. Having to inject herself with insulin while pregnant proved the final straw and Lisa, who has struggled with her weight all her life, decided to take action.

"It was my last pregnancy with Lois," she said. "A visit to the doctor resulted in me having to inject myself twice a day after being diagnosed with type one diabetes.

"I felt utterly petrified by it. On my way home from the doctors I noticed a Slimming World poster advertising the local group at the Beacon Climbing Centre every Thursday.

"I called when I got home and spoke with consultant Ffion. A week later I walked through the doors embarrassed, scared and very nervous.

"I was fighting the urge to run away, but I didn’t and with no self-confidence it was the hardest thing I had ever done. I had made a promise to myself that when I joined if I hadn’t lost any weight in the first two weeks, I would resign myself to life as being a bigger person. 

"But walking into the room that first day/night, everyone was so welcoming and I soon realised I had nothing to worry about."

Diabetes can be sen as a barrier to weight loss, but Ffion was able to help Lisa plan her weight loss journey safely.

"Taking insulin or other medication for type one diabetes doesn’t need to be a barrier to losing weight," said Ffion. "Many Slimming World members with type one diabetes lose weight and steadily become fitter and healthier just like Lisa.

"It is estimated that there are five million people living with diabetes in the UK today – and around 13.6 million with an increased risk of developing type one diabetes."

A recent survey osf Slimming World members conducted in partnership with Diabetes UK found 81% of diabetic slimmers saw improvement in their blood glucose management while 61% were able to reduce or stop taking their diabetes medication completely.

In addition 51% said they believed they had put their condition into remission and a further 80% reported an improvement in their quality of life.

Lisa believes her weight loss has reversed her diabetes and she no longer takes insulin medication.

"Since losing this weight I am no longer diabetic and I have gone from a size 28 to 14," she said. "I’ve never felt as healthy as I do today. I’ve stopped taking my medication now because I don’t need it anymore.

"I’m much more outgoing and have a new zest for life. Losing weight has boosted my confidence and I’ve got a much brighter future ahead of me now.

"Eating healthier has also supported my children to make better choices. They now prefer to eat fruit and vegetables instead of crisps and sweets. I can play with them for longer and I am no longer breathless when walking.

"Having lost this weight I have found a passion in running and can take the kids swimming without feeling embarrassed - it truly has been life changing.

To find out more about joining Ffion and her groups in Caernarfon contact her on 07972 367032 or visit Beacon Climbing Centre, Cibyn Industrial Estate in Caernarfon on Thursdays at 8am, 10am, 12noon and 5.30pm.