A man who broke into an elderly woman’s home while she slept and attacked her has been jailed for 14 years.

Shortly after 9pm on March 24 last year, Carl John Reed entered the home of a 72-year-old woman who lived alone in Holyhead.

The woman was woken up by a noise in her house and then felt a presence in her bedroom.

She turned and saw Reed crouched down next to her by her face.

He suddenly pinned her down on her bed using his arms, asking for money and threatening to “knife” her.

The 52-year-old continued his attack, punching the woman to her face, head and lip causing her mouth to bleed.

The woman tried to explain that she had no money, but Reed continued to attack her demanding cash.

When Reed went into another bedroom in the house, the victim quickly ran out of her house onto the street shouting for help.

She ran into her neighbour’s home where she told them what had happened and called the police.

Forensic investigations found Reed’s DNA on items around the victim’s home, including a black crowbar and two blue disposable gloves that also contained the victim’s own blood.

In addition to this, a footwear mark was found in the victim’s home which matched the same trainers that Reed could be seen wearing on CCTV just hours before the incident took place.

Reed, of no fixed abode, appeared at Caernarfon Crown Court today (September 24) after admitting to assaulting a woman with the intention of committing robbery.

He was jailed for 10 years, with an extended period of four years on license.

Detective Constable Leslie Ellis said: “Everyone has the right to feel safe and secure in their home.

“This was a traumatic experience for the victim, who was violently beaten whilst she slept in her bed.

“The victim was a popular member of her community, who served valiantly as a nurse for over 30 years before retiring.

"She was fun with a bubbly personality and had a real zest for life, but since the incident her health continues to suffer significantly.

“The actions of Carl Reed were immeasurable and cannot be underestimated, it has had a devastating impact on her life.

“Although no sentence will reflect the everlasting trauma experienced by the victim, I commend her bravery throughout the investigation.

“I would also extend my thanks the community of Holyhead for their assistance which has helped to bring Carl Reed to justice.”