A DRUNK man who let himself into staff accommodation at Wrexham Maelor Hospital and attacked a security guard has been put behind bars.

Roland Doano, of Helens Crescent in Pentraeth, appeared for sentence at Mold Crown Court on Thursday morning.

The 45-year-old had been convicted at a previous hearing of assaulting an emergency worker.

Joshua Gorst, prosecuting, told the court that on the evening of August 1, security guard Michael Howell was on shift at Wrexham Maelor Hospital.

At around 10.30pm, he was informed the defendant had been brought into the hospital and was "behaving inappropriately to female nursing staff," as well as trying to access prohibited areas in the hospital.

He was told to leave, and did comply - but just before midnight, he was back in A&E.

Mr Howell once again asked Doano to leave and was met with verbal abuse.

But once again, the defendant did agree to leave.

An hour later, the victim was informed Doano had gained access to the staff overnight accommodation building and had fallen asleep on the floor.

After attempting to wake him, Mr Howell was about to call police when the defendant jumped up, shouted at him and spat in his face.

He followed the spit up with a punch to the victim's face, following which the police arrived and arrested him.

(NWP)(NWP) (Image: North Wales Police)

Mr Gorst said Doano has 65 previous convictions for 106 offences, and the latest one at the hospital put him in breach of two suspended sentences.

Euros Jones, defending, told the court: "Mr Doano is disgusted with himself, not only for his actions towards the victim but for wasting the opportunities the court has given him.

"He wishes to apologise to Mr Howell and to the court.

"He found himself homeless in Wrexham and as he always does, turned to alcohol."

Mr Jones said his client fully accepted his suspended sentence would be activated.

He asked the court to take into account the fact Doano had pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity.

Judge Timothy Petts told Doano his actions on the night in question had been "awful."

"To be spat at is a disgusting and degrading thing," he said.

Doano was jailed for two months for the assault, and received an additional six months to run consecutive due to the activation of his breached suspended sentences, making a total of eight months in prison.

As opposed to paying a general victim surcharge, Judge Petts ordered the defendant to pay £187 compensation to the victim.