A WOMAN from Anglesey isn’t missing out on social gatherings anymore after losing three stone, achieving her dream weight, and regaining her confidence.

Sarah Keogh, a 63-year-old dog groomer from Llanfechell, managed her weight loss with her Slimming World group, having tried numerous diets previously.

Previously, Sarah said, she used to “make excuses” as to why she couldn’t attend social functions, adding that “getting dressed up was a nightmare” and that she would often buy “absolutely awful” clothes solely because they fit her.

She said: “One of the issues I had with other weight loss plans is that I had to build up to the start of the plan, eating everything and anything that I thought I would never be able to eat again.

“(I ate) biscuits, chocolate, crisps, cheese, bread and butter in vast quantities for weeks before, thinking: ‘I need to have this as I may never get to eat it again’. By the time the ‘diet’ started, I had another stone to shift.

“I have been a member of Slimming World on and off since 1993. All my life, I have been a ‘yoyo dieter’. I would get to my target quickly, with great weight losses every week, then hit target and leave.


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“This time, I have done things very differently. I truly believe it has changed how I live my life and will continue to live my life.

“The best thing that has happened to me as a result of my weight loss this time is that I honestly believe I will never be facing this amount of weight gain again.

“This has been due to a total change in mindset. I am no longer afraid that I will never again be able to enjoy my favourite food.

“I know now that I can eat anything I want and enjoy it guilt-free, as I have an arsenal of tools to stop my eating from becoming out of control.”

Dr Amanda Avery, health and research consultant dietitian at Slimming World, added: “Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures, so it’s no wonder ‘food FOMO (fear of missing out)’ is a very real factor for many of us when it comes to losing weight.

“As the research shows, in many cases, certain foods can have a powerful pull on us, evoking memories and emotions and rekindling flavours and pleasures experienced in the past.

“Often, finding the desire or motivation to alter deeply ingrained habits around the way we shop, cook and eat can be challenging and that’s where support can be crucial to help ‘slimmers’.”