A SERVING police officer has narrowly avoided a driving ban after he was caught doing almost 100mph.

Sean Caffrey, of Kenneth Cross Way in Sealand, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday morning.

The 35-year-old admitted one offence of speeding, in that he exceeded 70mph on the A55 at Treban, Anglesey, earlier this year.

Shaun Bartlett-Evans, prosecuting, told the court that at around 3.30pm on March 27, the defendant passed police whilst driving a Ford Focus.

Officers followed Caffrey for some time and recorded a speed of no less than 96mph, the limit being 70.

He was spoken to and gave no significant reply to caution.

Patrick Gartland, defending, told the court: "He's pleaded guilty today and accepts travelling at 96 in a 70 zone.

"The defendant is a serving police officer and has already in many ways been affected by this.

"Since April I understand he has only been a passenger and not a driver of police vehicles and that has had an impact on his ability to respond to incidents.

"That has had an effect on the police force, which already had some difficulties with levels of staffing - and I ask you to take that into consideration."

The court heard Caffrey already had six points on his licence for previous speeding offences.

Mr Gartland asked the Magistrates to consider imposing five penalty points - as opposed to six, which would automatically disqualify him from driving by reaching a total of 12.

He added the police officer following his client could have carried out the stop at an earlier point, but chose to follow him until his speed reached 96.

The Magistrates imposed a total of five penalty points and ordered the defendant to pay a £338 fine for speeding.

He must also pay a £135 victim surcharge, as well as £110 costs.

The Magistrates reminded Caffrey he is now on 11 points - a fact he must remember every time he gets into a vehicle.