Opioids have been identified as the leading cause of drug-related deaths in Wales for 2022-2023, according to Public Health Wales.

There were 125 opioid deaths recorded, with 64 involving heroin or morphine, and the remaining 61 covering a range of other opioids including methadone, codeine, and tramadol.

However, the life-saving drug naloxone was used in 303 overdose incidents in the same period, potentially preventing many deaths.

The drug, which reverses the effects of opioid poisoning, has seen an increase in usage since 2009.

The recently released figures also reveal that more than 6,000 'take home naloxone kits' were provided in the 2022-2023 year.

Public Health Wales' data indicates that cocaine contributed to another 52 deaths, equivalent to 26 per cent of all drug misuse deaths.

This makes it the third most deadly drug after opioids and Benzodiazepines.

Over recent years, there has been a surge in cocaine-related deaths, hospitalisations and individuals seeking treatment within substance misuse services.

Additionally, the statistics show that the majority of drug misuse deaths in 2022 happened to the over 50s, who make up 25 per cent of all deaths.

On the other hand, there were 13 deaths among those aged under 25.

Public Health Wales' research also uncovered that since 2003, drug misuse deaths in Wales have generally remained higher than England.

In 2022, Wales had 71 drug deaths per million compared with England's 53 per million.

Drug misuse deaths were more than five times higher among those living in the 20 per cent most deprived areas compared to those in Wales's 20 per cent least deprived areas.

Among local authorities, Swansea and Neath Port Talbot showed the highest rates of drug misuse deaths, while Monmouthshire, Flintshire and Carmarthenshire recorded the lowest rates.

Rick Lines, head of the Substance Misuse Programme, for Public Health Wales, expressed his concern regarding the figures.

He said: "The number of deaths from drug-related causes remains unacceptably high in Wales.

"These deaths are tragic and preventable and take a toll on families and communities across the country.

"It is however encouraging to see that more opioid drug deaths are being prevented by the use of Naloxone and that this vital life-saving medication is being carried by more people in Wales than ever before.

"Naloxone can be ordered for free in Wales by calling Dan 24/7 or by visiting their website."