A Gwynedd resident is set to feature in a new reality programme, where she speaks openly about her problems.

Angharad Griffiths, a TV nutritionist from Carmarthen living in Bethesda, is part of a new S4C reality programme called Tŷ FFIT.

Drawing from her experience as a weekend binge-eater with bulimia, she aims to promote healthier lifestyles and eating habits.

Resembling Big Brother without the bedroom dramas, Tň FFIT will see Welsh-speaking participants aged 18 and over trying to improve their lives, shed weight, and feel good about who they are.

Filming is set to kickstart in September, with people being urged to apply through www.s4c.cymru/tyffit, before the deadline on Wednesday, July 10.

Ms Griffiths, a mother and stepmother of four, will work with Cadi Fôn, a fitness expert, to guide five participants.

For seven weekends, they will stay in a remote house in an undisclosed location in Wales, experiencing a "light-touch boot camp", according to the show's producer, Siwan Haf.

Ms Griffiths, who has been in the media industry for years, said: "I’ve had problems with food since I was 12.

"I had a form of bulimia during my teenage years and I’ve always had a really bad relationship with my body and with food.

"I’ve been on various diets. I’ve tried everything and anything new that came out.

“It’s been a 30-year battle with yo-yo dieting and binge eating. I would turn weekends into a total binge and then hate myself and start to cry.

“Whilst trying to find the best food plan for myself and researching to try to cure myself, it transformed into a career change.

“I can empathise with our five people.

"I hope we get a range of people who have different reasons for taking part, including finding out why some are overweight."

Her goal is to understand why the participants are overeating and gaining weight.

Angharad Griffiths is one of the experts on the show   (Image: Supplied)

She said, "I want to get to the root causes of why they are overeating and gaining weight.

"I know what it’s like to have a bad weekend but my relationship with food now is much healthier."

Ms Griffiths believes that she and Ms Fôn have complimentary skills to offer as she said: "We also have complementary skills to help people out.

"They might want a quick fix but it’s about a sustainable approach where you still enjoy your life but get results."

Fitness expert Ms Fôn, who combines personal training with managing both a café and her family, was also pleased to be part of the programme.

She said, "It’s about getting into the habit of being active in a way you enjoy so that you lose weight, look good and feel happier."

Ms Haf views Tŷ FFIT as a development of the original ‘FFIT Cymru’.

She added: "There’s an element of Big Brother about it but we won’t be filming in any of the bedrooms.

"We’ll be following and filming every move in what is going to be a unique and once in a lifetime experience for anyone who wants to set themselves a challenge.

“It’s not all about losing weight – that’s a by-product of living a healthy lifestyle.

"It will be about wellness and gaining self-confidence.

“As well as following a health plan unique to each client, they will also undertake weekly tasks, lead by one of the five inspirational Mentors, which will involve psychology and creating a “can do” attitude.

“It’s about a positive transition in their lives which is what we have done in FFIT Cymru over the years and what we are looking to do again in this new, exiting series."

She also said: "It’s really a great opportunity for anyone who wants to try to change their life for the better. fancies a new challenge and kick start their health journey.

"Everyone is welcome at Tŷ FFIT.”