A FORMER headteacher of a Bangor secondary school has been jailed after he was found guilty of 19 sexual offences inflicted on four different children.

Neil Foden, 66, of Gwynant, Old Colwyn, was sentenced to 17 years' imprisonment at Mold Crown Court today (July 1).

Foden was convicted after a three-week trial of the following offences on May 15:

  • 12 counts of sexual activity with a child.
  • Two counts of sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust.
  • Causing/inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.
  • Possessing indecent images of a child.
  • Sexual assault of a child.
  • Sexual communication with a child.
  • Attempting to arrange the commission of a child sexual offence.

His offending dated between 2019 and 2023.

The four victims of Foden each provided impact statements to the court, which were read aloud during today's sentencing.

One of Foden's victims said that her experiences were "stressful" and traumatic".

"I have felt so confused, my head has been everywhere," she added.

"I cannot escape the flashbacks. They are always there.

"I feel lucky that he has been found guilty and I will never have to see him again.

"I am relieved the trial is over, but I still have to live with the after-effects every day."

A second victim added that, when she first heard Foden had been arrested and charged, "time slowed down".

"There was ringing in my ears and I couldn't breathe," she said.

"Everything now feels tainted. Mr Foden had his own agenda and intentions with me. I'm sick of people telling me I'm going to be OK.

"I was angry over the suggestion that I was a liar (during the trial).

"I feel disgusted. Despite this, I will not allow Mr Foden to define who I am through this.

"Mr Foden, you lied."

A third victim said: "Mr Foden has taken a huge part of me, which I don’t think I will ever be able to get back.

"I don’t think I will ever recover fully from this, but I'm going to try and live my life the best I can."

A fourth victim added: "What Mr Foden has done is evil. It's hit me hard, and I will never forgive him.

"I knew he would never admit his actions or take any responsibility for the harm he caused.

"He was happy to put me through this ordeal. He wanted it. He didn't care."

Judge Rhys Rowlands, who sentenced Foden, told him he is a "bully", and condemned his "planned and quite shameful behaviour".

He told him he "brazenly" committed these offences to "satisfy your own depraved sexual needs."

"Your behaviour was borne out of an arrogant sense of your self-worth, such that you believed that no-one would stand up to you," he said.

"It is clear that you have no remorse. You've not shown an ounce of contrition for what you did.

"You have no insight into the very serious harm you've caused to the victims and their families.

"The victims bravely had to relive their ordeals at your hands (during the trial)."

Judge Rowlands added to Foden that the explanations he offered for his behaviour during the trial were "risible" and "embarrassing".

Foden's prison sentence is of such length that he will have to serve two-thirds of it in custody before being released on licence, rather than the usual half.

He is barred from working with children or vulnerable individuals, and must adhere to sex offenders register notification requirements, for life.

He was also made subject to a lifelong sexual harm prevention order.

Restraining orders preventing him from having contact with five individuals were imposed, each lasting 10 years.

The mobile phone, laptops and clothing seized from Foden will be forfeited and destroyed.

Foden was also ordered to pay a statutory surcharge, and £4,000 in costs to the prosecution.

Judge Rowlands also commended the police for the "thoroughness of their investigation" into Foden's behaviour.

"I would wish to place on record the court's admiration for the individual victims and their families for their courage in coming forward," he added.