A NURSE from Anglesey has been suspended following a disciplinary panel hearing.

Joanna Budzichowska, a registered nurse, was handed an interim suspension order for a period of 18 months.

Her case was heard by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) fitness to practise investigating committee at a hearing on June 5.

A panel will review the suspension order within the next six months and every six months thereafter, barring a material change of circumstances.

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A panel of the fitness to practise committee will "deal with the allegations made against Ms Budzichowska", the NMC report said.

Ms Budzichowska will be kept informed of developments in relation to the allegations.

The report into the hearing stated: "At any such review hearing the panel may revoke the interim order, it may confirm the interim suspension order, or it may replace it with an interim conditions of practice order.

"A panel of the fitness to practise committee has still to deal with the allegations made against you.

"The NMC will keep you informed of developments in relation to that issue."