A MAN has received a custodial sentence after police caught him with a "Rambo" knife and drugs worth £5,000 at a hotel.

Harry Richardson, of Sextant Close in Runcorn, appeared via video link from HMP Featherstone for sentence at Caernarfon Crown Court on Friday morning.

The 24-year-old had previously admitted a number of offences, including; possession of a knife, possession of a class C drug and possession with intent to supply two types of class A drugs.

Richard Edwards, prosecuting, told the court that on December 3, 2022, police were called to deal with a matter at the Pink Palace Hotel in Felinheli.

The incident was unrelated to the defendant, but his behaviour at the scene caused suspicion.

He gave a false name and stumbled over his date of birth, as well as his reason for being there.

When he was searched by officers, he was found to have round £5,000 worth of heroin and cocaine, as well as a "Rambo-style" knife in his rucksack.

His mobile phone was analysed and revealed messages indicative of the supply of drugs.

Dafydd Roberts, defending, told the court: "It's inevitable what the sentence is going to be.

"Clearly only a custodial sentence can be imposed - not only for the seriousness of the offending, but he's previously had a custodial sentence for like offences and is currently a serving prisoner.

Harry Richardson (NWP)Harry Richardson (NWP) (Image: North Wales Police) "His current sentence was imposed in 2023 and he tells me the earliest release from that will be April 19 next year.

"In 2022 when these offences date back to, he was addicted to the drugs he was selling and got involved to fund his habit.

"He's still a young man and has a clear plan for the future.

"He's completed various courses in custody and his construction course will enable him to work on release."

Judge Nicola Saffman handed down a 36 month custodial sentence to be served concurrently to the defendant's ongoing time behind bars.

She told him: "You're a very young man and this is a long sentence - don't let this crush you.

"Let it be the turning point."