A business woman from Anglesey has launched a new business to support and reinvigorate towns and shopping centres.

Medi Parry-Williams, originally from North Wales, has debuted her venture, MPW Making Places Work, in an attempt to reinvigorate and regenerate a number of retail destinations. 

Bringing more than 15 years of experience in the town and shopping centre regeneration industry, Ms Parry-Williams focuses her efforts on sustainable practices which is a hot topic in retail, and town centre revitalisation.

She aims to enhance skills in local centre teams, empowering them to drive growth and development.

Ms Parry-Williams is an award-winning and internationally recognised business entrepreneur.

North Wales Chronicle: Medi Parry-Williams is from Anglesey

Committed to making a positive difference, she has been known to apply her energy, problem-solving techniques, and professional skills to tasks, and with her team they hope to transform communities, ultimately creating jobs and boosting the local economy.

To bolster her work, Ms Parry-Williams has appointed two specialists.

Dr Sara Parry, an expert in marketing and consumer behaviour; and Anna Edwards, who specialises in the night-time economy and is set to earn her doctorate in urban economic development.

Ms Parry-Williams said: "This is such an important time for our retailers, town centres and communities.

"With the rise of e-commerce and the impact of the pandemic, the retail industry has been facing significant challenges, leading to a decline in footfall in high streets and shopping centres.

"We understand that every retail location has its own set of challenges and we aim to address these.

"But, with the right strategy and the right team, we're excited to energise and reinvigorate local retail destinations and communities, transforming them into the thriving places they deserve to be."