A mum was in hysterics when her scan showed her unborn baby - swearing at her.

Maddy Lundstram's, 20, baby girl stuck two fingers up at her during a private 25-week scan.

The mum-of-one found it hilarious and reassuring - after suffering two bleeds early on in her pregnancy.

Maddy Lundstrams, 20, baby girl stuck two fingers up at her during a private 25 week scan.

Maddy Lundstram's, 20, baby girl stuck two fingers up at her during a private 25 week scan.

Maddy, a full-time mum, from Conwy, said: "She wasn't looking at the camera.

"Then in seconds she was sticking her fingers up.

"She was like go away."

Maddy found out she was pregnant with her second child in January but at eight weeks she started bleeding.

Doctors told her she had a haemorrhaging cyst.

Maddy and her mum Katie.

Maddy and her mum Katie.

Maddy said: "They said maybe it will pass or it could take the baby with it.

"I was paranoid everything I would do could make me lose the baby."

Maddy and her daughter.

Maddy and her daughter.

Maddy had a reassurance scan a few weeks later which looked fine but when she started bleeding again at 15 weeks she went for further scan.

The scan found tumours on her cervix and as Maddy's mum, Katie Lundstram, 40, has a history of cervical cancer she went for a biopsy.

The biopsy found there were no cell changes or signs of cancer.

Maddy Lundstrams, 20, baby girl stuck two fingers up at her during a private 25 week scan.

Maddy Lundstram's, 20, baby girl stuck two fingers up at her during a private 25 week scan.

At Maddy's 20 week scan she was told her baby was OK.

She said: "They said she was measuring small. That was playing on my mind."

Maddy decided to go for a private 25-week scan to put her mind at rest - and was shocked when her baby stuck her fingers up.

Maddy and her mum Katie.

Maddy with her daughter and mum Katie.

Grandmother Katie, a carer for her son, said: "It was like her saying 'I'm alright - go away'.

"She'll definitely be sassy.

"When Maddy was growing up she was a little terror.

"She's grown up to be a beautiful young lady. She's amazing and a brilliant mum."