“IT MAKES no sense” that a Bangor headteacher charged with 20 sexual offences would “suddenly change his behaviour,” his defence barrister has said.

Neil Foden, 66, of Gwynant, Old Colwyn, denies all charges put to him, which date from 2019 to 2023 and include five alleged victims.

His trial started at Mold Crown Court on April 22, with his charges as follows:

  • 13 counts of sexual activity with a child.
  • Two counts of sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust.
  • Causing/inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.
  • Possessing indecent images of a child.
  • Sexual assault of a child.
  • Sexual communication with a child.
  • Attempting to arrange the commission of a child sexual offence.


Neil Foden trial - prosecution delivers closing statement

Bangor headteacher charged with sexual offences begins his evidence

Today (May 13), John Philpotts and Duncan Bould, representing the prosecution and Foden respectively, have given their closing statements to the 12-person jury.

Mr Bould claimed that there are “fundamental issues relating to the reliability, accuracy and truthfulness” of the evidence given by the complainants in Foden’s case.

He added that there is “not a single piece of forensic evidence to support these allegations”, and said Foden “doesn’t have to prove anything at all” in respect of 19 of the 20 decisions the jury will make.

There were 18 security cameras at the school Foden was head of during the time period in question.

But, Mr Bould said, “apart from some images of the defendant and Child A openly walking to the car park after school, there is no incriminating footage caught by any of those cameras”.

He added: “For over 40 years, he’s been a teacher, deputy headteacher, and headteacher.

“His skills in education are recognised by his peers - some of them gave evidence about it during this trial.

“He’s shown no history – not a sliver of evidence – of him behaving in a criminally improper sexual way towards any student during that period of time, save these complaints.

“Why would he suddenly change his behaviour? Why would he suddenly go from a well-respected, law-abiding man, to a sexual predator?”

Foden told the jury while giving his evidence last week that his only previous conviction was for driving without due care and attention when he was “about age 19”.

He said he received a fine and licence endorsement for this offence, but has “never been in trouble since”.

Mr Bould added that there is a “degree of unreliability” about the evidence of Child E, who Foden is accused of taking with him when visiting South Wales for trade union matters.

“My submission is that she never went to South Wales with him,” he said.

“She may have been, by coincidence, in the same places, but not with him.”

In respect of Child B, who made disclosures to police after Foden’s initial arrest and who is said to have frequently visited his office, Mr Bould asked the jury: “Why, if anything that he did to her caused her concern, did she continue to visit him?”

Foden’s trial is likely to conclude this week.