ALLISON Evans is a support worker with Antur Waunfawr, a Gwynedd social enterprise that offers work, training, and wellbeing activities to adults with learning disabilities.

In a call for others to join the care and support workforce, Allison has talked of her time at Antur Waunfawr, a period that stretches back to 1998.

Allison started work with adults with learning disabilities in 1996, then within Gwynedd Council’s support service.

Prior to that, she worked with older people, and with those suffering from dementia.

She had wanted a career change and when a job came up with Antur Waunfawr in 1998, she applied and was successful.

Allison said: “I very clearly remember by first shift. The very first night. It was April 1998. That’s how clear it is in my mind.

“I worked for a year as a support worker and within a year I was made deputy manager, covering a maternity period.

“But I ended up staying in that role, specifically as manager for our in-home services. I then went on to establish our multiple-needs service in 2010.

“That department offers a therapeutic service for individuals with multiple needs.

“After that I returned to work with older people, but I missed my work at Antur Waunfawr a lot.

“I missed the support network, I missed my colleagues, and I missed the individuals, and so I came back in 2015.

“By then I didn’t want a managerial job, so since 2015 I’ve been a support worker.

“Had I not left for a period I would have been here for 25 years.”

What exactly motivates Allison Evans in her day-to-day work?

She said: “Seeing the individuals develop and become independent, trying new things, bringing joy to their lives, that’s the highlight for me.

“And there’s a great deal of diversity in the work.

“I’ve worked on the plastics line, I’ve worked in Warws Werdd (that sells second hand furniture, appliances, clothes, and other items), I’ve worked in the multiple-needs service, the café, Antur’s Waunfawr site, the shop, the homes… I like to have that diversity.

“I’m an example of how Antur Waunfawr has a clear career path, helping staff members to go further if that’s what they wish.

“I completed my diplomas through Antur Waunfawr, so in a way they have invested a lot in me to give me a career.”

What is Allison’s sweetest memories of her time at Antur Waunfawr?

She said: “I have a lot of memories of going on holiday. Once I went with two of the individuals to Disneyland, Florida.

“We were on the street in the middle of the night watching the fireworks. A dreams-come-true kind of moment, and everyone cried. A memory I will never forget.”

Antur Waunfawr is currently looking to recruit more support workers to provide more adults with learning difficulties opportunities.