A MAN from Anglesey who left a woman with her “confidence shattered” after sexually assaulting her has been jailed.

Kenny Jones, 38, of Llwyn Onn, Amlwch, was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment at Caernarfon Crown Court today (March 2).

His victim, 18 at the time of the offence, which took place in November 2020, had her arms squeezed and bruised by Jones.

Jones asked her to kiss him, which she refused to do, so he tried to kiss her, before telling her: “Don’t sleep too tight in case you end up with a ballbag to the mouth.”

Following the incident, Jones fled the scene by driving off without a valid licence or insurance in another person’s car without their consent.

He was found guilty on January 13 after a trial, during which Jones made “very serious, derogatory assertions” of his victim and a witness; Elen Owen, prosecuting, said.

A statement from the victim read that she has “completely changed” from the “confident, bubbly, outgoing” person she was prior to the sexual assault.

She added that it has left her “confidence shattered”, embarrassed, and that she always tries to “keep it vague” when asked by others about what happened.

The victim said she feels guilt for “not having shouted out” while she was being sexually assaulted, and worries that people would judge her for "not trying to fight him off”.

The long-term mental effects have been the most damaging consequence of the assault to her, she said.

She added: “Despite this happening over two years ago, Kenny Jones is still ruining my life.

“Kenny Jones has no idea of the pain he’s caused me.”


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Defending, Dafydd Roberts invited the court to impose a suspended sentence with significant requirements attached.

Jones had 10 previous convictions for 19 offences, but none since 2017, having previously often appeared before magistrates for violence-related matters, some of which were against women.

He had no previous history of sexual offending.

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Mr Roberts said that an assault that Jones was the victim of in 2017 is “still something that affects Mr Jones both physically and mentally”.

He added that Jones is currently “in a very dark place”, and made an attempt to take his own life on Monday (February 27).

Jones also lost his son in 2010, with Mr Roberts saying he has used drugs and alcohol as a “crutch”, but that his client was “not a lost cause”.

Mr Roberts added: “It’s likely that he would come out of prison in a worse state than when he went in.”

Despite this, Recorder Wyn Lloyd Jones imposed two years of immediate custody on Jones, as well as a “necessary” and “proportionate” 10-year restraining order and a £190 surcharge.

Jones will also be listed on the sex offenders register for 10 years.

Recorder Jones told him: “I wouldn’t be doing my job properly today if I suspended this sentence, bearing in mind what this victim has suffered.

“It has affected her entire life, it seems, and seriously affected her confidence. It’s all your fault.”