A FUNDRAISER has been started to pay for the funeral of a man who died at Ysbyty Gwynedd after falling ill just days earlier.

Gareth Rowlands, from Caernarfon, died at the hospital on February 4, after contracting meningitis and being brought out of a coma not long before his death.

He had originally complained of an ear ache on the previous Saturday, a headache the following day, and was found “fighting for his life” on Monday morning, his brain “being starved of oxygen”.

He was put in an induced coma and sedated, with an MRI showing “very little chance of survival”, before he passed away shortly after.

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A GoFundMe page has been set up on his behalf, and has already raised more than £700 with a target sum of £2,500.

A statement on the GoFundMe, which has been organised by Linzi Whitmore, said: “Gareth was a fit and healthy young man until meningitis left him so brain damaged, he wasn't compatible with life.

“Gareth complained of an ear ache on the Saturday, headache on the Sunday and very early on the Monday morning, my mum found him literally fighting for his life, his brain being starved of oxygen.

“Gareth was put in an induced coma and kept sedated, he was cared for brilliantly by the staff at Intensive Care, Cybi ward.

“Unfortunately an MRI scan confirmed that the majority of Gareth's brain had been tragically damaged with very little chance of survival.

“Gareth was bought out of the coma, taken off the sedation and ventilation and tragically passed away at Ysbyty Gwynedd on February 4 2023.

“I am kindly asking if people would like to donate towards Gareth's funeral so we can give him the best send-off possible.”