THE Menai Suspension Bridge on Anglesey will reopen for the first time since October tomorrow (February 2).

The emergency works, which began on January 5, will be completed in the four-week timeframe, with the bridge expected to reopen to restricted loads at midnight tonight.

The works required a bespoke design and procurement strategy, which was developed at pace following the unexpected closure of the bridge on October 21, 2022.


Menai Suspension Bridge reopening works get underway

This was due to a structural issue that posed a risk to public safety.

Welsh Government and UK Highways A55 Ltd, alongside engineering firms Spencer Group and COWI, are continuing to work closely to develop a plan for longer-term remedial work to take place, with minimal disruption, to bring the bridge back to full capacity.

This work is anticipated to start in late summer. 

The deputy minister for climate change with responsibility for transport, Lee Waters, said: “Despite the challenging weather conditions, I am pleased that we’ve been able to complete this extremely important and complex piece of remedial work on time.

“I would like to thank the local community and everybody that has been affected by the closure of the bridge for their patience during this time.”