A MAN from Bangor received a fine and points after pleading guilty to careless driving while in Bethesda.

Logan Evans, 21, of Maes Berea, was accused of driving a Volvo vehicle without due care and attention on the A5 on June 23.

He pleaded guilty at Mold Magistrates’ Court on December 21.

Evans was ordered to pay a £350 fine, £110 in costs, and a £140 victim surcharge.

This totalled £600, to be paid in monthly instalments of £50 from January 18, 2023.

He also received nine penalty points on his driving record.

Evans avoided disqualification from driving under the following mitigating circumstances:

  • He assists his unwell grandfather.
  • He attends college, and there is no public transport that would take him to work and college on time.
  • He picks up and takes his brother to and from work.
  • He assists financially to his household.