ISLE of Anglesey County Council and Gwynedd Council have said they are planning to put warm banks in place in public spaces this winter.

A Gwynedd Council spokesperson said: “Gwynedd Council is committed to supporting people who find themselves in a vulnerable position due to the cost of living crisis, including initiatives to help people keep warm over the winter.

“These plans are still in their early stages and the details will be announced in due course.”

Isle of Anglesey County Council said they are “exploring” warm spaces with various partners and community groups, but that it was currently at a planning stage.

They did add that food banks would offer:

  • Places people can go to for a hot evening meal
  • Places to go to in order to socialise and meet friends
  • Reduction to some of the cost burdens through having to heat their homes or prepare a meal

A spokesperson added: “The Council liaise weekly with our food banks to ensure food supplies and any required support is available to ensure they can continue to deliver their integral services across Anglesey.

“The Council provide direct poverty-related support through our internal Welfare Rights Team and Financial Inclusion Team.

“The Council work closely with CAB Ynys Môn.

“Collectively, we are delivering services through various means and approaches, including outreaches, over the phone, by electronic means and face to face within offices.”

The Council is also leading on a tackling poverty action plan. The following partners form part of this group:

  • CAB Ynys Môn
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • IOACC Financial Inclusion team
  • IOACC O’Toole team
  • Housing Services Homelessness Service Manager
  • IOACC Children and Youth Services