Hundreds of people were remembered and celebrated at an event in Bangor arranged by Awyr Las, the North Wales NHS charity.

As part of Light up Christmas, digital tributes and a real-life display of 2,000 lights were displayed on Garth Pier.

Supporters of Awyr Las and the charity’s many funds - many of whom had contributed to the campaign and had dedicated a light - came along to see the pier illuminations and to view the digital display.

After not being able to attend the event in 2020, due to Covid restrictions, Amy Ishmael along with Father Christmas were given the honour of switching the lights on.

Amy was chosen after raising funds for the Awyr Las Covid-19 appeal during the initial lockdown in 2020.

North Wales Chronicle: Amy Ishmael along with Father Christmas at the event. Pictures: Sport Pictures Cymru.Amy Ishmael along with Father Christmas at the event. Pictures: Sport Pictures Cymru.

Music and entertainment on during last Friday's event were provided by West End Academy, DJ Ray Lee, Côr Nadolig and Kana, and those that attended also enjoyed fairground attractions and food stalls.

Kirsty Thomson, Head of Fundraising for Awyr Las NHS Charity, said: “We were delighted to see so many people at the switch on event, and our thanks go to them for following our instructions to remain safe and keep a social distance.

"We wouldn’t have been able to hold the event without the dedication and support of our partners - Friends of Bangor Garth Pier, Bangor City Council - and all the volunteers.

"Our thanks and gratitude also go to our incredible sponsors. Light up Christmas would not be possible without them.

North Wales Chronicle: Academi West End at the event. Pictures: Sport Pictures Cymru.Academi West End at the event. Pictures: Sport Pictures Cymru.

"A huge thank you to Watkin Property Ventures, this year’s Headline Sponsor for Light up Christmas; to Bangor University, Imtech Engineering Services, and VINCI Construction UK Limited, our Platinum sponsors; and Varcity Living Ltd and Castle Green Homes Ltd, our Gold sponsors.”

The lights will be switched on between 5-8pm every evening until 22 December, 27-29 December, then on January 2 and 3.

Admittance to the Pier is 50p per person (free of charge for those who have purchased annual / lifetime passes for the Pier).

The whole admittance fee is collected by the Friends of Bangor Garth Pier to support Bangor City Council with the ongoing maintenance of the Pier.

Also, people can still make a tribute for someone special, right up until December 22 - just go to: for details.