A new study has found that the NHS's vaccine programme to prevent cervical cancer has prevented hundreds of women from developing the disease.

The Cancer Research UK-funded study also reported that the vaccine has stopped thousands from experiencing pre-cancerous changes to cells.

The research, which has been published in the Lancet medical journal, is the first direct worldwide evidence of cervical cancer prevention through the use of a vaccine for two types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is the virus that causes it.

The study found that those who were offered the HPV vaccine between the ages of 12 and 13 (who would now be in their 20s) were 87 percent lower cervical cancer rates than in an unvaccinated population.

North Wales Chronicle: Vaccine in a syringe. Credit: CanvaVaccine in a syringe. Credit: Canva

Researchers said cases in this age group, which are already rare at about 50 a year dropped to just five.

Cervical cancer rates also dropped by 62 percent for women that were offered the vaccine between the ages of 14 and 16, and there was a 34 percent reduction for women aged 16 to 18 when vaccination was introduced.

Experts looked at the data from the HPV immunisation programme that saw girls receive the Cervarix vaccine between 2008 and 2012 on the NHS.

Cervarix has since been replaced by a new vaccine called Gardasil and the programme has been extended to everyone up to the age of 25.

Without this vaccination programme, experts believe the toll for pre-cancerous changes could have affected almost 36,000 women.

The study also found a 97% drop in pre-cancerous changes to cells in women vaccinated between the ages of 12 and 13 and estimated that there were 17,200 fewer cases of cervical carcinomas by June 2019.

Cancer Research UK said the findings were better than expected and that cervical cancer could become a rare disease thanks to vaccines combined with screening.

Professor Peter Sasieni, lead author of the study, from King’s College London, said: “It’s been incredible to see the impact of HPV vaccination and now we can prove it prevented hundreds of women from developing cancer in England.

“We’ve known for many years that HPV vaccination is very effective in preventing particular strains of the virus, but to see the real-life impact of the vaccine has been truly rewarding.

“Assuming most people continue to get the HPV vaccine and go for screening, cervical cancer will become a rare disease.

“This year we have already seen the power of vaccines in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic. These data show that vaccination works in preventing some cancers.”

While Cancer Research UK chief executive Michelle Mitchell added: “Results like this show the power of science.

“It’s a historic moment to see the first study showing that the HPV vaccine has and will continue to protect thousands of women from developing cervical cancer.”

At the moment in the UK, around 3,200 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year.

Dr Vanessa Saliba, a consultant epidemiologist for UKHSA, which also took part in the study, said: “These remarkable findings confirm that the HPV vaccine saves lives by dramatically reducing cervical cancer rates among women.

“We encourage all who are eligible for the HPV vaccine to take it up when it is offered in school.

“Together with cervical screening, this will help to protect more women from preventable cases of cervical cancer.”

Am I eligible for the Cervical cancer vaccine?

What is the HPV vaccine age limit?

You are eligible for a HPV vaccine up until your 25th birthday.

The vaccine is not suitable for those who:

  • have had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to a previous dose of the HPV vaccine or any of its ingredients
  • are known to be pregnant

The HPV vaccine is offered in schools in England and at Year 8 level and S1 in Scotland.

Anyone who misses either of their HPV vaccine doses should speak to their school immunisation team or their GP surgery.

If you have your first dose over the age of 15, you will need to have three total injections because the vaccine is not as effective when you are older. 

Transgender people and the HPV vaccine

According to the NHS, some transgender people are eligible for the vaccine

Trans women can get the HPV vaccine if they have the same risk of cancers developing from HPV types 6 and 11.

If you are a trans men that has previously completed a course of HPV vaccination as part of the girls' HPV vaccine programme then you will not need a further dose.

But you may be eligible if you are a trans man having sex with other men and are under the age of 45.

You can visit the NHS website for more details about how to stay protected or visit your GP or Nurse for more information.